OMEL board members

OMEL is a Spanish shareholder company, which owns fifty percent (50%) of the two management companies of the electricity market in the Iberian Peninsula: OMIE, manager of the day-ahead and intraday markets and OMI-Portuguese Pole (OMIP sgmr), term market manager and thirty two and thirteen percent (32.13%) of MIBGAS, SA, company responsible for the management of the Organized Gas Market in the Iberian Peninsula.

The main activity of OMEL is to manage the shares that it owns, directly or indirectly, in the market management companies OMIE, OMIP sgmr, OMIClear OMEL Diversificación and MIBGAS.


Board Members:


Ms. Carmen Becerril Martínez



ABENGOA S.A. (Mr. Pablo David Infante Cossío)

Mr. Ángel Berges Lobera

EDP España, S.A.U.  (D. Pedro Vasconcelos)

Ms. Eva Fernández Góngora

Mr. Francisco Javier Hernani Burzako

Mr. Pedro Larrea Paguaga

Mr. Juan Luis López Cardenete

Mr. Rafael Mateo Alcalá

Mr. Juan María Moreno Mellado

OMIP SGPS S.A. (Mr. Martim Vasconcellos e Sá)

Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, S.A. (REN) (Ms. María José Clara)

REPSOL RENOVABLES , S.A. (Mr. João Paulo Nogueira de Sousa Costeira)

Mr. Juan Luis Ríos Sánchez

Mr. Luis Sancho Ferrán

Santander Investment, S.A. (Mr. Ignacio Domínguez-Adame Bozzano)

Ms. Marina Serrano González

Ms. María José Talavera Carmona




Ms. Alba Mª Taboada García



OMIP board members

OMIP S.G.P.S. is a Portuguese shareholder company, which owns fifty percent (50%) of each of the two management companies of the electricity market in the Iberian Peninsula: OMIE manager of the day-ahead and intraday markets and OMI-Portuguese Pole (OMIP sgmr) term market manager and ten percent (10%) of MIBGAS SA, company responsible for the management of the Organized Gas Market in the Iberian Peninsula. The main activity of OMIP SGPS is to manage the shares that it owns, directly or indirectly, in the market management companies OMIE, OMIP S.G.M.R., OMIClear, OMEL Diversificación and MIBGAS.


Board members:


Mr. Martim Vasconcellos e Sá



OMEL – Operador del Mercado Ibérico de Energía, Polo Español, S.A. – represented by Ms. Carmen Becerril

Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica (AELEC) – represented by Ms. Marina Serrano

Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. – represented by Mr. José António da Silva de Brito

Endesa Generación Portugal, S.A. – represented by Mr. Guillermo Soler Calero

Naturgy Energy Group, S.A. – represented by Mr. Pedro Larrea Paguaga

OMEL Diversificación S.A.U. – represented by Mr. Juan Luis López Cardenete

REN Serviços, S.A. – represented by Mr. Pedro Cabral

REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, S.A. – represented by Ms. Maria José Meneres Duarte Pacheco Clara

Iberdrola Energía España, S.A.U. – represented by Mr. Juan Luis Ríos Sánchez

EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. – represented by Mr. Pedro Vasconcelos

Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, Sociedad Holding de Mercados y Sistemas Financieros, S.A. – represented by Mr. Javier Hernani

Mr. José Amado Silva

Abengoa, S.A. – represented by Mr. Pablo Infante

Ms. Maria Conceição Lucas



Mr. Pedro Filipe Raio Félix

OMIE board members

OMIE is the company that manages the spot power market in the Iberian Peninsula.


Board members:


Ms. Carmen Becerril Martínez



Mr. Martim Vasconcellos e Sá




Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. (Mr. Marco Filipe Gomes Torres Lourenço Casqueiro)

EDP-ENERGÍAS DE PORTUGAL, S.A. (Mr. Pedro Neves Ferreira)

ENDESA GENERACIÓN PORTUGAL, S.A. (Mr. Adolfo de Rueda Villén)

Mr. Santiago Gómez Ramos

Mr. Carlos Martín de los Santos Bernardos

NATURGY ENERGY GROUP S.A. (Mr. Gregorio Morales Schmid)

Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, S.A. (REN) (Ms. María José Clara)

REN Serviços, S.A. (Mr. Pedro Henriques Gomes Cabral)

Mr. Ignacio Zumalave Freire




Dª. Alba Mª Taboada García



Mr. Pedro Filipe Raio Félix

OMIP S.G.M.R. board members

OMIP S.G.M.R. is the company that manages the futures power market in the Iberian Peninsula.


Board members:


Ms. Carmen Becerril Martínez



Mr. Martim Vasconcellos e Sá



Acciona, S.A. (Mr. Santiago Gómez Ramos)

Mr. Germán Bejarano García

Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. (Mr. Marco Filipe Gomes Torres Lourenço Casqueiro)

EDP-Energías de Portugal, S.A. (Mr. Pedro Neves Ferreira)

Endesa Generación Portugal, S.A. (Mr. Adolfo de Rueda Villén)

Mr. Carlos Martín de los Santos Bernardos

Naturgy Energy Group S.A. (Mr. Gregorio Morales Schmid)

Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, S.A. (REN) (Ms. María José Clara)

REN Serviços, S.A. (Mr. Pedro Henriques Gomes Cabral)

Mr. Ignacio Zumalave




Ms. Alba Mª Taboada García



Mr. Pedro Filipe Raio Félix

OMIClear board members

OMIClear, clearing house and central counterparty, began its activity in July 2006, receiving in October 2014 the reauthorization to provide services as a Central Counterpart under European regulations EMIR.

OMIClear accepts for compensation and liquidation contracts derived from electricity traded both in auctions and in the continuous OMIP market, as well as bilateral contracts registered in OMIClear.

In addition, OMIClear compensates futures contracts, swaps, forwards and options, with different maturities, with base, peak or solar profile and with financial settlement or physical delivery.


Board members:


Mr. Martim Vasconcelos e Sá



Ms. Carmen Becerril Martínez



Mr. José Amado da Silva

Ms. María Raquel Cabezudo Benito

Ms. Mónica Guardado Rodríguez

Mr. Raul Yunta Huete




Mr. Pedro Filipe Raio Félix



Ms. Alba Mª Taboada García

OMEL diversificación board members

OMEL Diversificación, S.A.U., in a wholly owned subsidiary of OMIE and is the entity responsible for organizing auctions of energy products.


Board members:


Ms. Carmen Becerril Martínez



Mr. Martim Vasconcellos e Sá



Mr. Juan Luis López Cardenete



Ms. Alba Mª Taboada García