We stand by the commitment of OMI Group's partner companies to strictly adhering to regulations and fighting corruption, and we've set forth the principles found in OMI Group's Code of Ethics and Conduct.
This policy applies to all employees, directors, and administrators that carry out their professional activities as members of OMI Group's organizational structure, regardless of their position, seniority, or geographical location to the extent that they carry out activities, functions and competences in the name, representation, for the account or benefit of the OMI Group. To this end, the following will be considered companies pertaining to OMI Group: Operador del Mercado Ibérico de Energía Polo Español, S.A., OMIP-Operador do Mercado Ibérico (Portugal), SGPS, S.A., OMI-Polo Español, S.A., OMIClear, C.C.S.A., OMIP-Polo Português, S.G.M.R., S.A., OMIP, S.A., OMEL Diversificación, S.A., and any other of their member companies.
The purpose of this policy is to underscore the commitment of OMI Group's partner companies to strictly adhering to regulations and fighting corruption, and we've set forth the principles found in OMI Group's Code of Ethics and Conduct.
This policy includes commitments regarding the fight against corruption that reflect our resounding opposition to commissioning illicit and irregular acts and our firm resolve to countering and preventing them so as to comply with the “zero tolerance” policy.
- Under no circumstance will corruption be tolerated, nor will accepting or offering bribes, neither in your favor nor in favor of the entity or by means of a third party.
- Do not give, promise, or offer anything of value to any individual or legal entity, either directly or indirectly, in order to obtain undue advantages for the company.
- Do not abuse a position at OMI Group or a personal relationship to try to influence authorities, public servants, or private employees to perform any undue activity in the company's favor.
- Act respectfully, diligently, and circumspectly in interactions with authorities and public servants, especially if they adopt or may adopt resolutions that affect OMI Group directly or indirectly.
- Do not accept, offer, or deliver any payment, whether directly or indirectly, in cash, in kind, or anything else of value to anyone who works for any entity (public or private), political party, or candidate for public office with the intention of illicitly securing or maintaining business or other advantages.
- Do not finance or show any sort of support, directly or indirectly, for any political party, their representatives, or their candidates on behalf of the OMI Group.
- Do not use donations to conceal undue payments.
- Support all efforts to prevent and detect corruption in any form and aim to eradicate it from all of the Group's fields of activity where its administrators, directors, employees, and all relationships with third parties act.
- Do not retaliate in any way against an individual who, acting of good faith, reports or informs about an activity that could be considered a violation of the law or the corporate governance system, including the guidelines for action under the Code of Ethics. Similarly, there will be no retaliation against any professional who refuses to act in a way that could be understood to be in violation of OMI Group's Code of Ethics.
- Promote internal training related to preventing and fighting corruption.